Friday, May 13, 2011

Stepping forth...

well, here goes my first attempt at a blog.  for those of you who know the whole story, i don't need to explain.  for those of you who don't, I will give the short version.  after three very full and rewarding years in san francisco i have finally heeded the call to seek out a slower pace. i have always dreamed of living by the mediteranean sea for a bit, dreamed of fishing boats, water, sunshine and salt. i also love paris. and yoga, and finding spontaneous adventure in the mysterious and playful abyss of the unknown.
so i bought a ticket to europe and find myself just days away from setting out across the seas. my plans include some anusara yoga training, a studio in southern italy, a scooter, a camera, a swim suit, and complete surrender to the whims of grace.  i envision that this journey will be somewhat of a pilgrimage...a time to ask myself big questions and listen for the answers... a time to nurture intuition and strike up a conversation with my heart...a turning in as much as a venturing out...

the journey began last week as i packed my car full of everything i own and set out with my trustworthy road companion rob, towards dad's house in lyons, colorado, with a quick stop in arizona to soak up some sweet family time and early summer sunshine.  i have come to learn that everything is a pulsation, so it makes sense that the journey begins with going home.  home to wind sun desert rivers, home to the place where i was born, home to family, home to love, home to the wild impulse of my heart.

i can't express how grateful i am to be setting off with so much love, support and excitement at my back, and for all of you who have expressed interest in my wanderings. hopefully this will offer just a little taste of my experiences...


  1. Oh beautiful Basil Otter Fox creature,
    I am so proud of you. You have taken the great leap! I am very inspired and plan to live vicariously through you from now on. How long are you away love? Thanks for the blog. It will be so fun to watch your adventures!

  2. I love reading this!! :) Yay!!! Keep it all coming and flowing, dear yogini sister.

  3. Listen for the answers - yay! I'm sure you'll have a great time, and I'll follow your blog for sure!
